Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going truly mobile, without moving an inch

Technology. The world on my fingertips.

Here I am, lying sick in bed with a sore throat and viral infection, and therefore bored out of my mind. I reach out to my blackberry and start browsing; checking my mails, reading the newspaper online, viewing friends' latest facebook updates. Haven't had the time to blog for a while, so I go to and realize with a pleasant surprise that with a few changes in settings I can actually update my blog via mobile as well. Hmm, let's see if this works.

What will they think of next?
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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Break Time

I've been taking a break. From the 'rat race' as they say. Woke up one day and decided I had to get out and take a breather. So here I am, in London. This place has some fantastic associations and memories. I've been coming here almost every summer while growing up, so it feels like home away from home. This is the first city I got to travel alone to, had my first McDonalds experience in, where I read my first Ludlum novel, watched a Bollywood film in a cinema first time, saw my first adult-rated movie and also first place I got expatriated to and tasted the true flavor of independent life.

Walking around Trafalgar, boating in Hyde Park, tea at Covent Garden, watching the punks at Camden town, shopping on Oxford street, I simply love this place in summer time. Driving to the outskirts and exploring Bath, Cambridge, Windsor, there's no better way to take a break. And the experience begins even before one steps off the plane, for the view of the city during landing is simply breath-taking, with rows of English houses with their red bricks and black chimneys lined up like Lego-land, surrounded by vast, lush greenery and the river Thames winding across the city like a snake. Add a few old bridges here and a castle or two there, and you're stepping into dreamworld.

I've been living in this dream for a week now, and another one to go before it's time to wake up and face the big bad world again.